Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Summer Learning

Lesson I learned recently: You can never have too much bacon jam for noshing! 

As a child, the end of the traditional school year meant the beginning of my read-a-thon. "Read This Summer" was the rule that was given to us on the last day of school and I always dove into the task head first. I was a regular at the library, checking out the maximum number of books each visit and lusting over the Childcraft volumes which were in the reference section and sadly could not be borrowed. I spent my summer learning and it made the humid heat a little less painful. 

Now as an adult I try to learn new things, how to cook buttermilk biscuits and the easiest way to make a gusset in a purse I am sewing. I am no longer working within a school year so this learning occurs year-round; but somehow this summer I am once again diving headfirst into learning a few new tricks.

The first one is a Summer Dress E-Course offered by Whiptstich . Now through September I will be spending quite a bit of time behind my sewing machine praying to God I do not end up channeling my inner Denise Huxtable while trying to sew these three cute dresses. Gordon Gartrelle is not what I am going for here. (If you are drawing a blank on what in the world I am talking about watch this clip.)

The second opportunity to open my mind to knowledge will by sitting in a room with the beautifully blunt Hollis Gillespie once again. I have been wanting to gather up all of the pieces of my patchy blog/website and this will be the first step in making that dream a reality. The blogging workshops  are known for sending all of their participants in the right direction and if it is anything like the writing workshop I took last month, I know I will be more than pleased. 

Stay tuned for pictures of my (fingers crossed) dresses and a newer look to my website. 

Let the learning begin! 

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