Monday, June 16, 2008

Beerfest Enjoyed by All

We had loads of fun at Beerfest. The weather was perfect and apparently the fear of rain kept the early birds away which allowed us to get a jump on the beverages. We took MARTA (ITSMARTA)down to the park and had a blast.

So many vendors were there. Our first stop was to one of our favorites, Sam Adams. He has a cherry wheat that is new and amazing. I usually avoid the fruity but this one will be added to my list.

Nothing like the backdrop of downtown Atlanta for a pretty picture.

This guy was dressed to drink. He was the only person we saw in a kilt. I was only the second person to ask to take his photo. I am sure he got many more requests as the day progressed.

More beerfest attire:

Joe's hat was the best though. You can get your own at

There was dancing and much tomfoolery.

Some of our favorite brews were:
Guinness(of course)
Fire Rock(a Hawaiian brand. Very tasty!)
Carta Blanca
Terrapin(Athens brew)

Safe Ride America was there to help those who had actually driven. Why would you do such a thing??

After all of that beer, I pray they recycled!!!!

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